Why does the traffic flow in L.A. change sooooo much when school is out. All summer I have been driving grooves in numerous L.A. streets moving kids back and forth between summer school and various sporting practices, camps etc. The whole time (even though I HATE driving) not minding because by Los Angeles standards the traffic was light. The 7:40 trip to summer school a breeze, the 4 o'clock pick up from Volleyball practice almost painless.
Then Monday, August 27th came. The first day of school for many. My daughter's first day of high school. We left the house at our usual 7:45 time and BAM! Cars everywhere! Like I thought there had to be an accident BAM! If it was an accident, it was a 3 day one, because every morning it has been the same. So it got me wondering...where were all these drivers when all the kids were on summer vacation?
Is everybody an educator? I'm a teacher, so I know that many of us are off during summer, clearing the streets for those people with "Real World" jobs, but there could not possibly be enough teachers to cause a 10 minute difference in my ETA to any given destination?!
Do "Real World" people get to change their working hours when their kids are on summer vacation? Only to return to the regular hours exactly when school starts?
Does everybody but me go on an extended vacation during the summer and only come back for the start of school?
Does everybody but me work from home, allowing them to stay at home during summer while their kids are home?
Do that many people work from home? I have been thinking about checking with my principal to see if I can just set up my "isight" camera on my MAC and hold video classes from home. Oh YEAH! My 8th graders will loooooove that!
Anyway, tomorrow I plan to leave home at 7:30 sharp with my brood! (although it doesn't seem like it, 15 minutes is a lot with 2 year olds...14 year olds... hell, anybody but yourself!) I hope this 15 minute differential will make for smoother, less anxious travel. We shall see