Sunday, August 12, 2007

I am NOT My Hair, but My Hair is Me!

Oooooh Freedom! I don't mean to hyperbolize something as potentially trivial as a haircut, but I am freed! I got a haircut. I mean maaajoor haircut. My hair went from the middle of my back, to Halle Berry, circa 2002. My hair is finally ME!

I didn't realize how much energy, expectation and OPP (other people's perceptions) are tied up in hair. Well, if I am honest, I do know. Hair is a big deal, especially for black folks. You know, " a woman's hair is her "crown and glory!". Unfortunately, I assumed that the 'crown and glory' part only applied to long hair. ( We know for black folks that might be true), but now I know better. My short cut is glorious!

A hair rut is what I was in. My hair was short in my 20's. I was chic, sophisticated and fabulous! My hair was short in my thirities. I was divorced, independent and happy. The past ten years, I have been looking at myself in the mirror wondering who I was looking at.

Yes, my hair was long. Yes, certain "hair struck" people fawned over it and told me how "pretty" it was. Yes, I began to live in my hair for everyone else.

I felt old, and stalled The long greys were coming in and making their appearance in some sort of explosion all over my head.

I was WAY too reliant on the "ponytail". Ladies, this is not a cute option for everyday of your life. It was not my signature. It was not a style. It was "something to do".

I finally made the realization last week that I was not living MY hair dream, but other peoples. Not cool.

So I called a salon, and asked who could do "cute short hair" immediately.
My daughter cried... HER hair issues.

I didn't let that stop me.

I got it chopped. Cut. Freed.

Sampson, in the bible, lost his strength when his hair was cut. I gained mine.

When my hair fell away, so did anger, negativity, doubt, insecurity and malaise.

Now, in the words of Patti Labelle, "I got a new attitude!" I'm feelin good from my HEAD to my shoes.

So, think about your hair. Who are you doing it for? You, or somebody else? Does your hair empower you, EXPRESS you, or weigh you down?!

If you don't feel light and empowered, then take drastic measures! Step out in something fresh! Something new.

I am NOT my hair, but now, my hair is me! Confident, sexy, intelligent and free!

Free your hair and the rest will follow!


Liz Dwyer said...

I am so feeling this post! Congratulations to you for making the move back to your short hair. Oh yes, hair is a big deal for us black folks, isn't it? I have been thinking about cutting all mine off for awhile. NO ONE likes the idea. I have never ever had short hair. The shortest was chin length two years ago. Now it's really long. Too long, I think. I was natural for a long time, got it relaxed a few years ago because I felt that pressure to seem more professional at my that I'm not at that job any longer, now that I'm starting to feel like myself again, I really miss my natural hair. I think my big worry is that I'll look ugly with short hair...and isn't that so crazy? So I admire you for doing it. Good for you!

Lydia said...

Nobody in my household liked the idea either, until they saw it. It can seem like such an insignificant thing, but bad hair days/ways can be spirit snatching. So take it slow, ease into what you really want to do. You'll feel great for it.